Using Web Tools in a Hybrid English Composition Class

Welcome to our ePortfolio for the CSU Chancellor’s Office Course Redesign with Technology Program. While the focus of our redesign was a first year composition course, the tools and strategies described here would be useful to any writing-intensive courses.

Course Name & Description:

ENGL 105 – Composition and Rhetoric I Instruction and practice in writing university-level expository and persuasive prose. The subject matter of the course will be thematic and variable. The focus of the course is development of proficiency in conceptualizing, analyzing and writing academic papers. Substantial writing is required.

Project Abstract:

Since its inception, the Composition Program at CSU Channel Islands has implemented practices designed to maximize student success, including Directed Self Placement (an alternative to the English Placement Test), Stretch Composition (an alternative to remedial writing courses), and Holistic Team Scoring of portfolios that students have the entire semester to compose, revise, and edit. We redesigned ENGL 105 to implement web-based tools intended to enhance student engagement, self-efficacy, accountability, and commitment to the writing process, thus increasing the chances of students passing the class their first time out.

GE Credit: 

A2: English Writing


student engagement; online writing; digital pedagogies; retention; self-efficacy

Instructional Delivery:


Pedagogical Approaches:  

Flipped Classroom; WordPress (CI Keys); Google Docs; VoiceThread; ePortfolios; Screencasting; Virtual Office Hours

Class Size: